Here are some blog posts that involve China.

All About Transferring Tooling

If you’re already manufacturing a product, you understand how important tooling is. But what happens if your factory isn’t quite working out and you want to head to greener pastures? Or you’re ready to move production overseas? Do you have to start from scratch or can you take your tooling and molds with you? To answer that, we’ll start from the beginning.

So what exactly is tooling? Tooling is an essential part of the manufacturing process. Simply put, it is the designing, engineering, and creation of the tools that are needed to manufacture your product. This can include any needed molds as well. The quality, precision, and characteristics of tooling all determine how the finished piece will turn out as well as the speed, accuracy, and repeatability of manufacture.

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Why Does Chinese New Year Affect the Supply Chain?

Chinese New Year (CNY) is an important time of year for many people in China. Much like the Christmas holiday in the U.S., it is a time for celebration and family, though on a larger scale. It’s the largest Chinese holiday of the year, and business calendars in the country reflect that.

If you have ever outsourced product from China or utilized a supply chain that extends overseas, you have likely at least heard of the impact the holiday can have on the manufacturing industry. But for those that have ever wondered why the impact occurs, we’d like to give you a bit of insight into Chinese New Year.
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5 Myths About Chinese Factories

The things we read or hear about in the news and media typically play a large part in shaping our perceptions about certain issues. They put generalizations in our minds about what a place or experience is like without us ever having tried it ourselves. This can be great to shed light on issues that we may not otherwise have been aware of, but it can also be misleading. The media tends to favor stories that shock and awe. You may hear stories about a factory accident, but you won’t necessarily hear about the factory that prides itself on its flawless safety record and employee well-being on a daily basis. Unfortunately many people get the wrong idea about what foreign manufacturing industries are really like. We’re here to shed some light on some of these topics.

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Manufacturing Overseas: China vs. Vietnam

Is Vietnam the new China in the manufacturing sector? 

The short answer is not yet. But it does have potential to get there in the future.

China’s economy is changing. It has been for a while. While that may shuffle the cards in the country’s manufacturing sector a bit, it also opens up opportunities for countries like Vietnam to move into a position of being a low-cost manufacturing hub.

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