Read our blog posts that feature information about labor in the manufacturing industry.

China and Southeast Asia’s Contract Manufacturing Capabilities: A Comparative Overview

Contract manufacturing has become an essential aspect of global supply chains, enabling companies to outsource their production processes and capitalize on cost-effectiveness and operational efficiencies. China and Southeast Asia have emerged as key players in the contract manufacturing landscape, offering diverse capabilities and advantages to businesses worldwide. In this article, we will explore and compare the contract manufacturing capabilities of China and various Southeast Asian countries, shedding light on their respective strengths, challenges, and industry trends.

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E-BI Specialty Manufacturing Solutions in Vietnam

To help our clients embrace new manufacturing resources, E-BI Vietnam’s specialty manufacturing endeavor debuted about 5 years ago. Working through three years shrouded by the pandemic, Vietnam’s manufacturing facilities and capabilities have developed at an astonishing speed thanks to many fearless pros worldwide. Numerous Industrial parks and even city zones have developed north of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh cities. Among them, new manufacturing and process capabilities are developed. E-BI Vietnam’s team is growing and implementing more and more rapid specialty manufacturing jobs in this vibrating land.

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Manufacturing Overseas: China vs. Thailand

China has long held the role of the ideal manufacturing hub. It’s generally low cost labor, and fantastic infrastructure has made it the go to source for many companies. Despite its rising wages, in part due to a country wide shift to increase medium to high tech manufacturing, China still holds some major competitive advantages over its smaller fellow nations. However, with the increasing ambivalence caused by rising tariffs and the U.S.- China trade war, many are looking into alternative sourcing options.

Thailand is one of the more interesting countries in Southeast Asia that is trying to make its mark known as a major player in the world of manufacturing. It holds its own unique advantages and disadvantages, but how does it compare to those of China?

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10 Key Elements That Factor Into Product Manufacturing Cost

There are a lot of factors that go into determining the cost of making your product. This is why in early conversations with your manufacturer it usually isn’t possible to give you an impromptu, off the top of the head estimate to how much it will cost you to make your product. Of course it’s a valuable and necessary piece of information to know before going forth with manufacturing, but an accurate quote needs to be based off of something—mostly the details relating directly to your product and design.

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5 Myths About Chinese Factories

The things we read or hear about in the news and media typically play a large part in shaping our perceptions about certain issues. They put generalizations in our minds about what a place or experience is like without us ever having tried it ourselves. This can be great to shed light on issues that we may not otherwise have been aware of, but it can also be misleading. The media tends to favor stories that shock and awe. You may hear stories about a factory accident, but you won’t necessarily hear about the factory that prides itself on its flawless safety record and employee well-being on a daily basis. Unfortunately many people get the wrong idea about what foreign manufacturing industries are really like. We’re here to shed some light on some of these topics.

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